Happy Father's Day

It's Father's Day.... every day should be one that you tell those dads in your life how much you love them and what they mean to you. But today, especially, make sure they know. I consider myself blessed beyond anything I could have asked for. I have a fantastic dad; he has always been a hero to me and now is a hero to my boys. I love you, Dad! I have an amazing father-in-law... he raised a great son and is so great to all of us. I love you, Pop! My brother is an incredible Daddy... loving, hard-working and a great example to his family. I love you, Chadd! And then there's my husband.... more than I ever could have dreamed of, he loves me and our boys. He's a provider, a teacher and a best friend. I love him more each day and I hope our boys grow to be the kind of man he is. I love you, babe!

Happy Father's Day