Quick and Easy Gift Idea

I really like making simple, quick "gifty" type projects.... These are for a few teachers at the preschool my youngest attends. He will be moving up to the Pre-K class next week - I can't believe it! These are diaper fold pouches filled with Hershey nuggets. The pouch is super easy - no adhesive necessary - and you can find Beate's tutorial over at Splitcoast. I'm still using last year's DSP; I think I'm the only demo who didn't pre-order the Bella paper - what was I thinking ?! Anyway, I just filled a cello bag with nuggest that were wrapped in 1" strips of DSP, tied with pretty ribbon and viola' - Too cute and so simple! Thanks for stopping by.... Enjoy!


Laura lok said...

cool idea

Alex said...

Cute - and a great way to use up last year's dp, they won't care!! I can't wait for my order to get here - whoohoo!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Carmen said...

These are cute...I have never made these fry containers. Is that what they are called?? LOL

Tracey said...

Very nice! And good timing too! I need a thank you gift for teachers tomorrow. ~:-)

Stacey Schafer said...

love this design...will you share directions?

Anonymous said...

These are yummy, Amber! Who put a shelf life on ds paper? Those are beautiful papers and I still have both?

Felicia said...

very cute i don't think i've seen the tutorial for these yet. i'm glad i stopped by!

Sherri said...

These are super cute too! You know when I used to teach on project management and supervising I used to give them all a sheet of paper and show them a paper a cup I made that looked similar to these (not as pretty though, of course!) and then I'd tell them to make one (without giving instructions) and I'd give them like 10 minutes. At the end they would have such funny creations, but no cup that would hold water, so then I'd give them all a new sheet and some instructions and then I'd walk them through the instructions and check on them...and by the end they would have all made one and it would hold water - and it would demonstrate that you have to give people the right tools and support. I like your crafty version better, but it was a neat lesson that it reminded me of!