40 Years in the Making

Last weekend was a special celebration in my family.... my mom and dad celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary. The hubby, boys and I traveled to spend the weekend with them and help throw a little shindig in their honor. I'll tell you, not a lot of couples see 40 years. I am so honored to have parents who stuck through it all, thick and thin (and no mom, I'm not talking about your weight!), good and bad, fun and not-so-fun times. They are a real example to those around them of what a wonderful marriage can be. I hope the hubby and I are as blessed to celebrate such an awesome milestone.

As a little crafty surprise for mom and dad, I whipped up some custom wine bottle labels to have out at their party. The bottles made great conversation pieces and really pimped up the bottles of 2-buck chuck! I think custom wine bottle labels would be a great addition to any party, shower or special celebration. Imagine sending your guests home with such a personalized party favor. If you have a special celebration coming up, contact me and we can design a custom wine bottle label that's perfect for your special day!


Maticakes said...

Love it! Still sad we couldn't make it. I will have to wallow in my misery with some wine!!!


Love ya sis!

Donna Touchette said...

This was such a great surprise and matched perfectly with the great custom invitations you made for the party.
As usual you helped make this event for Dad and me a very special one.