12 Days of Christmas ~ On the Third Day...

So despite the 80+ degree weather here in Southern California, I am trying to fill my home with Christmas spirit. Yesterday's candy making went well and today continues into the cookie baking and the annual Gingerbread house. Stay tuned for pictures of all the goodies...

Today I'd like to share a clever idea with you. Now, this is not my original idea... these have been around in crafting circles for a long time. I can't credit a specific person, but if the original creator of this idea is by chance reading, I'd like to say Thank You! The idea is creating a post-it holder out of a plastic picture frame. Simple? Yes. Economical? Yes. Cute? Oh, yes!

I love these because they are a little thoughful item that you can duplicate easily and put your own creative spin on. I like to make a few - wrap them in a cello bag, tie with a ribbon and attach a tag - and pass them out as little gifts. Just measure the opening of your frame, typically 4x6 or 5x7 depending on what size frame you have. Then create your insert with paper and any flat embellishments you want. Tuck the paper in the frame and stick the post it pad on the outside of the frame.

Here are a few different one's that I've made this year. I used different paper from my stash and added a scrap of the paper inside of an RSVP pen to make the little gift complete. The frames are from Wal-Mart, but I know you can find them at the dollar store too. Being such an economical gift, it's easy to make a bunch of them to give out. I am planning on sharing these with the office staff at school, along with a little bag of cookies.

Enjoy and stop by tomorrow for some recipes and other holiday goodness!


Becky said...

What a wonderful gift idea. Beautiful!

Tee McNeil Art said...

I just love these! I have some that are twice as long and I'm trying to figure out what to do with all the space!

Unknown said...

Lovely gift idea! Thanks for sharing!

Imke said...

Amber, this is such a great idea !! These little notes are a perfect little gifts and perfect for my desk. LOL

Kathy and Lucky said...

These are beautiful,love the colors and such a great gift.

Nancy said...

These are great! I made them a few years back but had completely forgotten about them! I might have to make some more as some last minute little gifts!